Back at Sea: Cruise Line Reviews

Cruise Line Restart Reviews - Photo by Canva

It’s finally safe to say cruising is making waves once again! Most major cruise lines have resumed sailing at least one or more ships from homeports all around the United States. As ships return to service, we’ve received great reviews from our members who shared their cruising experience in the new post-COVID world. reviews are a great way to gain insights into what the new sailing process is all about. Our reviews capture member comments on topics like embarkation and disembarkation, onboard entertainment, dining, service and ship quality, and much more. 

To help paint a better picture of what it’s like to cruise right now, we’ve pulled together highlights from some of the best reviews for the major cruise lines this year. So, check back here often, as more ships return to service and reviews come in, we will continue to update the guides! 

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