10 Ways to Immediately Get Kicked Off a Cruise

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Odds are if you’ve made the effort to get on a cruise, you likely don’t want to get kicked off! Most of the reasons you will find yourself (not so politely) being asked to leave the cruise are pretty self-explanatory; however, it's important to take note of how you can be shown the exit at your next port. 

Getting kicked off a cruise ship is a serious matter and can lead to not only the abrupt end of your vacation but also may find you in serious trouble with local authorities. Cruise lines keep strict policies and guidelines in place to ensure the safety and enjoyment of all passengers. Engaging in disruptive or illegal behavior will likely result in your removal from the ship. 

Following are the ten most common ways to immediately be kicked off a cruise ship. 

1. Bringing Drugs Onboard 

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Bringing, or the use of, drugs on your cruise is likely to lead to expulsion from your ship. Just because it's legal in your home state or port you are visiting does not mean that substance is legal on the cruise ship. 

Marijuana is the most common illegal drug onboard a ship even though many states in the U.S. (and other countries) have legalized it. This includes any products with THC such as vape pens and gummies. If you question whether a drug is legal on your cruise, take the safe route and don’t bring it onboard. =

2. Smoking in Non-Designated Areas

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Fire is one of the biggest threats to a cruise ship. Because of this, smoking is restricted to designated areas. Keep in mind this does NOT include your personal cabin balcony. If you are a smoker, it’s not worth chancing lighting up outside any area besides the designated smoking space. Violating this rule will likely lead to major consequences, including getting booted off the cruise. 

3. Skip the Muster Drill/Embarkation Safety Procedures

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Cruise ships conduct mandatory safety drills for all passengers. We know this is not a fun part of the experience but it’s a requirement so you know what to do in the case of an actual emergency. Refusing to participate in muster or safety drills can lead to your removal from the ship. We recommend spending a few minutes to take safety matters seriously, that way you can get back to the fun of the cruise sooner. Many cruise lines now offer safety demonstrations via in-cabin TV or app and it only takes a few minutes to complete this important drill. 

4. Theft and Disruptive Behavior

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This should go without saying, but stealing property owned by other cruisers or by the cruise ship, is going to get you kicked off of the cruise. Also, the destruction of property is another great way to end your cruise early. For those with sticky fingers or whose ‘go to’ reaction is throw a chair or punch a wall, that behavior won’t be tolerated onboard a cruise ship. 

Loud and disruptive behavior that affects other passengers' enjoyment is another act that can result in eviction from the cruise. This includes starting fights with other passengers or causing any disturbance/scene that impacts other guests' cruise experience. A cruise is no place to lose your cool and risk being confined to your cabin or worse yet, escorted off the ship.


5. Tampering with Safety Equipment

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Messing with or interfering with a ship’s safety equipment is a serious offense. This includes (but is not limited to) lifeboats, fire alarms, life jackets, or other safety equipment. These items are off-limits unless directed by a crew member or in case of an actual emergency. No matter your rationale, there is no reason to touch, tamper, or use these items other than in an emergency situation. 

6. Not Having the Correct Paperwork

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We’ve stressed this many times before - it's imperative that cruisers consult their cruise line to ensure that they have all the forms, visas, and documentation needed to go on the sailing. Depending on where you are cruising, it may be required to present or have certain credentials to be able to enter the ports being visited. If you don’t have the correct paperwork, you may find yourself being denied boarding entry from the cruise in its entirety. 

Related: Do You Need a Passport to Go on a Cruise?

7. Unauthorized Visitors

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If someone is not a cruise passenger or crew member, they should not be on the cruise ship. Just because you know someone in the port or have met a new friend during your visit does not guarantee their entry on the cruise ship. Attempting to sneak unauthorized visitors onto the ship is illegal and will most likely result in your removal from the cruise. 

8. Violating Health Protocols/Quarantine 

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Over the past few years, we’ve seen the evolution of health and safety protocols change for cruise ships. Each cruise line has its policies for handling situations involving contagious diseases or other health emergencies. If you don’t follow the directions given by the crew, ship staff, or officers, you are likely to either be denied boarding from the cruise before embarkation or asked to leave the sailing early. 

If you find yourself in a quarantine situation onboard and choose to violate the order, you will likely be removed from the ship. In rare cases, there could be legal consequences depending on the port and local laws. Health and safety protocols are for protecting all passengers and shipboard staff and taken very seriously. 

9. Underage Drinking or Buying Booze for Minors  

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Just because you are in International waters doesn’t mean that you can drink if you are underage. For the majority of U.S.-based cruises, the minimum drinking age is 21, just as it is on dry land. Some sailings outside of the U.S. allow passengers to drink at 18, but be sure to check the rules for your ship and sailing. If you are underage on a cruise, you will likely be asked to leave the ship if you choose to break the cruise line’s rules on drinking. These rules are done for your safety by the cruise line and to comply with local regulations. 

You can also be ejected from a cruise if you are of age and are purchasing drinks for minors. This includes buying drinks for your own friends or family members. Just because you deem it appropriate for someone to drink does not mean the cruise line/local authorities do. This is easy to avoid so you do not get kicked off your ship. 

10. Being Threatening or Disruptive to Crew 

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Just because you are in International waters doesn’t mean that you can drink if you are underage. For the majority of U.S.-based cruises, the minimum drinking age is 21, just as it is on dry land. Some sailings outside of the U.S. allow passengers to drink at 18, but be sure to check the rules for your ship and sailing. If you are underage on a cruise, you will likely be asked to leave the ship if you choose to break the cruise line’s rules on drinking. These rules are done for your safety by the cruise line and to comply with local regulations. 

Crew members are there to make your vacation an enjoyable and safe experience. If you are threatening crew members or are in any way disruptive to their ability to do their job properly, you will likely be shown the exit. 


In summary, if you don’t want to be kicked off a cruise, think before you act and observe the local guidelines and policies set in place by your cruise line. Familiarize yourself with the specific policies of the cruise line, and be respectful of your fellow passengers and crew members to ensure a smooth sailing.

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