

Deck Hand
Langhorne, PA
Joined 07/2012






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Victoria, British Columbia

HAL attracts older clientele, which is exactly why I choose them - on my 92 year old mom's bucket list to see Alaska. The 6 PM - midnight stop in BC was too late for mom to do much at all. Tried to hire peddlars for a tour but we were a group of three and only a few tandem bikes exist and after an hour or more, we gave up trying to find an available one. Found some great hair products at LUSH. Will locate future orders via internet.

Juneau, Alaska

Very poor weather conditions. Helicopter/dog mushing excusions was cancelled due to weather. Had no back up plans. Expected rain during the cruise (iti's Alaska, after all) but reality would cause me, in the future, to plan better.

Ketchikan, Alaska

Cruise schedule limited time in this city which had more to offer thn Sitka.

Sitka, Alaska

Gorgeous day. A blessing. Thoured the National park and purchased salmon at Absolutely Fresh to send home.

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