
Kids Areas

Explore Disney Magic Kids Areas

Arcade Photo


(1 Review)

Get your game on - how 'bout a little Tetris or Donkey Kong... What? They don't have those any more...

Disney's Oceaneer Club Photo

Disney's Oceaneer Club

(1 Review)

Divided into age groups, your children can live out their own fantasy at Disney's Oceaneer Club loca...

Disney's Oceaneer Lab Photo

Disney's Oceaneer Lab

What can you cook up in this hands-on science lab? A new species of fish? Maybe a potion to make you...

Edge Tween Club Photo

Edge Tween Club

(3 Reviews)

Edge Club (for ages 11 to 14) features a vast array of hi-tech fun, including an illuminated dance f...

Flounder's Reef Nursery Photo

Flounder's Reef Nursery

A knowledgeable, professional staff takes care of your litte ones in this onboard daycare center.

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