McIntyrec Cruise Review on Norwegian Spirit on Feb 12, 2015

Norwegian Spirit Cruise Review

Review: 1
Helpful Votes: 6

Overall rating:

4 out of 5
Norwegian Spirit

Sail date: February 12, 2015

Ship: Norwegian Spirit

Reviewed: 6 years ago

Review summary

My favorite thing about this ship was the outdoor dining area on the back of the ship. We would eat out there every morning! We would go to the buffet and then grab a mimosa and sit on the balcony out back! Great view and your not stuck inside all the time!
Was this review helpful? 6


elvis18    6 years ago

I agree x we had the stateroom just through the door past the ping pong tables so had easy access to the back of the ship so i was out there every oppertunity 😊

doggieskitties    6 years ago

I agree, love eating out by the water

kylehughes    6 years ago

Yep , one of our favourite things also about the spirit ,

ljwatts    6 years ago