Arrival time is 7am, can we actually get off the boat at this point?

Asked on May 06, 2023 by CJ78

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2 Answers

usually as soon as you dock and the gangways are open you can get off the ship

Answered by ahoy11 on May 07, 2023

Most cruise lines arrive into ports pretty early on the day. In my experience P&O cruises had passenger information boards near all the lifts and around most decks with arrival and departure times.This is usually also written up in the daily newspaper delivered to your cabin. If your still unsure you can always ask at reception or call them from your cabin phone. The ship's captain will usually make an announcement when the ship is ready to disembark for a port, and tell you which deck to go down to. Just keep your cruise card with you as you will need this to enter and leave the ship.

Answered by jmold2184 on May 06, 2023

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