Port Canaveral, Florida Port Q&A

Why did the 1st stop at Key West get canceled?

Asked on April 20, 2024 by TheSavages

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5 Answers

So you missed a port… it happens! Go with the flow and don’t let it ruin the rest of your trip 😉

Answered by livlifenoregret on April 21, 2024

I wasn’t on your cruise and this has happened to me on two different cruises. It was bc of choppy seas. Key West has only a natural port…not man made. If the seas aren’t calm enough, the ship can be damaged.

Answered by ShipGal59 on April 20, 2024

didn't the captain give a reason over the PA?

Answered by Butterbean40483 on April 20, 2024

I know that key West is one of the ports that is also wanting to limit the amount of cruise passengers in the port on a daily basis

Answered by cruiseman2 on April 20, 2024

Bad weather most likely because the port is natural and can damage the ship

Answered by owenhalli on April 26, 2024

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