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The Stikine Icecap is a large icefield straddled on the Alaska¿British Columbia boundary in the Alaska Panhandle region. It lies in the Boundary Ranges of the Coast Mountains. Within the United States, most of it is under the administration of the Tongass National Forest and is part of MENthe Stikine-LeConte Wilderness within the national forest.

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Cruise College Fjord, Alaska

Tucked into the corner of Prince William Sound, College Fjord is surrounded by over a dozen glaciers and is easily the equal of the more famous Glacier Bay. Some of these glaciers have spruce forests growing right up to the edge of the ice, giving a sense of scale not seen in Glacier Bay. These glaciers were named by the members of the 1899 Harriman Alaska Expedition.

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Nome, Alaska

Located in northwestern Alaska on the Seward Peninsula, Nome is the center of commerce and government for northwestern Alaska. Sight of the Bering Sea Ice Classic, a six hole golf tournament played on the ice, Nome also hosts the Polar Bear Swim on Memorial Day, the Midnight Sun Festival in June, and is the endpoint for the Iditarod Sled Dog Trail Race in March.

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