Honolulu, Oahu Port Reviews


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1105 Honolulu, Oahu Port Reviews

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by Karen2497

The port was not too bad had to walk away’s to catch a bus to get uptown to Waikiki. Luckily, I have been there before and knew my way around.


by Shamp1996

I loved every island but just did not care for Honolulu. Enjoyed Peral Harbor and the Scuba Scooter we went on. But I was not impressed with the Honolulu area.


by petestexasgirl

This was the day we disembarked. Didn't spend a whole day here but when we did, we did not enjoy it. The amount of homelessness was incredibly heartbreaking. Such a short time we were here, and that is all I could focus on. There were tents everywhere. I can't imagine. I just feel there aren't enough resources for that many people.

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