Is Istanbul doable without an excursion? We have 3.5 days and are staying close to public transport. Due to mobility issues I do not like following a tour guide.

Asked on August 05, 2023 by CMATraveler

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4 Answers

My cruise docks for 18hrs there & from what I'm reading it seems pretty accessible. We are doing our own thing & a food tour which includes a ferry to the Asian side of river. I've found this site handy, in case it's any use to you

Answered by retro1981 on August 06, 2023

Spent four days there a few years ago and easily did everything on our own. Don’t miss the Dardanelles cruise but we found the Blue Mosque underwhelming.

Answered by fredwfussell on October 05, 2023

The last time we were there, we got on the hop on hop off bus and did the entire route just to figure out where things were! It was very helpful and it might be something you might like to do also.

Answered by tschroeder on October 12, 2023

I am going in April and am not that mobile ( can't walk really long distances and especially can't stand around listening). I am going to look to hire a private guide and do something tailored to my interest and abilities.

Answered by melusinamex on December 04, 2023

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