San Juan, Puerto Rico Port Q&A

This is a very specific question and may seem weird but I thought someone who might have been recently or will be going soon might be able to answer this. In Plaza Colon, there was a restaurant called Cafe Puerto Rico. it was one of the best meals of our lives on our first cruise 18 years ago. I have looked online but cannot tell if it still exists. We would love to take our kids there if it is. Anyone know or will be in the plaza that could check as they walk by? Thanks so much.

Asked on April 03, 2022 by jencannon9

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6 Answers

The place is no longer available and that's too bad it was a good spot

Answered by Razor78 on April 03, 2022

I was just there a month ago and it is no longer there.

Answered by crusin4gramma on April 03, 2022

I looked it up and it says this restaurant is closed.

Answered by odavilaCruiser on April 03, 2022

for authentic PR food find a cab driver that knows the area and have them take you to a "side road" restaurant.

Answered by torram on June 30, 2022

I was there in March and it was open! Sorry to hear it is now closed.

Answered by crusin4gramma on June 30, 2022

thank you everyone..such a bummer but glad to know.

Answered by jencannon9 on June 30, 2022

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