San Juan, Puerto Rico Port Q&A

Best thing to do in San Juan that is not a cruise excursion? Is it safe to walk around with my husband?

Asked on January 16, 2023 by kstum004

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8 Answers

It's been a few years (before covid) but it is a very walkable port. I've been twice. The fort is very interesting and we took the guided tour. at that time it was $10 USD. if you have the time get the combined ticket. You can use the city wall as a guide to get to the fort, only caution stay inside the wall for safety.

Answered by halicruiser on January 16, 2023

It is very safe. we walked to El Morro. Took a short cab to beach. We asked locals for Authentic puerto rican food and they gave us directions to a restaurant by bus. can't remember the name of the restaurant.

Answered by mello819 on January 17, 2023

Very safe and walkable (just very hilly). Lots of fun shops, restaurants, and sights to see. Both forts are amazing!

Answered by dewball on January 16, 2023

Yes, very safe. Nice clean city. Walk or take a taxi to one of the forts. Very neat and scenic.

Answered by lisakaye26 on January 16, 2023

very safe. it's an American territory so you'll be surrounded by American citizens.

Answered by RogueWaveRider on January 17, 2023

yeah very easy to walk around and felt safe. have been there many times

Answered by djchopperd on January 16, 2023

we got a cab to fort del morro, walked around the fort and park. Then it was an easy walk downhill. As we snaked down the hill we stopped at a restaurant for lunch looked in local shops and markets. Made it back to ship in plenty of time and weren't exhausted. lol

Answered by leog on January 16, 2023

We were just there. Very safe in Old part of town. There were Policia on nearly every street. Mostly cruise tourist were seen.

Answered by ccsvolsfan on January 16, 2023

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