

Joined 04/2017






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Carnival Triumph

Carnival Triumph

Sail date: April 10, 2017

Carnival triumph, Cozumel and Progresso

The cuise ship overall was great, but I there are a couple of things you should know before you book a cruise on the triump. 1) The ship is old and in need of repair. So if your looking for the stylish digs, you should look into another ship, but if a little wear and tear doesn't bother you than this is the ship for you. 2) The rooms have no refrigerators in them, however if you bring a small cooler you can get all the ice you need to keep things nice and cool . 3)  As far as destinations, I preferred Progresso over cozumel. Cozumel is very beautiful but pricey. Progresso is a up and coming tourist attraction, but is more affordable. Lastly I just want to say the price of the cruise was the best for a 5 day crusie, and well worth it! I would consider taking this cruise again.

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Cruise tips

Cozumel, Mexico

Pricey, they really pray on tourist. Go into their downtown area for better pricing on items.

Carnival Triumph

Carnival Triumph

If you have medicine that need refrigeration, be sure to bring a small cooler. There are no refrigerators in the rooms.

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