Very bad work of MSC:)

Good day to everyone!
Today I want to leave negative comment about MSC company.
Let's start from the beginning...
I was a club member of "In Cruises" and I was saving money for my trip for 2 years.
First the epidemia started, then I had no opportunity to save money or to travel somewhere, but finally, in December i Booked cruise for three persons (month - May)
There was all included, nice trip.
But then - the war in Ukraine started...
First I thought that I will not go for this cruise, but finally I decided to go. The reason for this is that I wanted to leave this thought about war (about my friends and close people for me that left there) behind. I wanted to get rid of thoughts about violence, war, death and everything. Especially when you see all this refugees that are filling your city - it's impossible not to think about it.
Two persons that went on this cruise with me had "jonson&Jonson" vaccine. They made it nearly month ago. They made it specially for this cruise, and doctors insured us that we are good to go with this vaccine (anywhere we want to)
We went to Italia (Brindisi). It was very far and hard road for us, a lot of money were wasted and we were very tired. We finally get to the ship, but first we needed to deal with check-in.
We all have our vaccines and testes done, we had all the documents... BUT we were not allowed to aboard cruise ship MSC Armonia :)
First "our dear Italian friends" said to us, that "jonson&Jonson" vaccine is not permitted on their ship. Than, when we showed them that it's allowed (You all can check this in their rules) they told as like we need additional dose of vaccine.
We found it pretty interesting, cuz in the same day we were passing airports and trains, moving through different countries and NOONE ever said to us like our vaccine or tests are "not working" or "bad". Even the Italian police, which stopped us when we went out of plane and checked everything - said that we are totally fine :)
Anyway. We were saying to them that we did a long journey, that we spend a lot of money, that we have all the documents and tests done well and that we want to rest from war and everything - They just didn't care. We were not allowed to aboard the ship. They said like the health and safety of their clients is the most important thing for them.
So what about us? We were not your clients? We payed for everything like the rest of people, we had same documents, had vaccines. Weren't we your clients?
How could you not let us aboard? it's not even epidemic time, there is no threat or red zones now.
We were all healthy and never had COVID-19. We even asked them to make a tests for us again - they disagreed.
But now yes... Now we are ill. We cached a cold and now we are not feeling good, because they left us at the street, in the middle of night, in foreign country and without money (we did not take much with ourselves cuz it was all included in cruise)
Nearly 5 hours we spend in cold, trying to prove them that we are like everyone on the board - healthy and good.
So the vaccine, which helped us to cross boarders of countries - is not working for their ship? It's not a cure for them?
Cuz so it seems. Very strange and pitiful.
Pity that we spent so much money for nothing. Pity that we wasted so much time, energy and health (especially health, cuz we are now ill)
I will never recommend this company to someone, it's terrible. No one even seems going to refund me my money.
I will create special group where i will collect all the negative comments about this company. Group where I will tell everyone that MSC company lies to their clients and fool them for their money. Group where i will tell everyone that cruises - are only for the chosen persons:) Not for simple people that save money for years to rest at least once in life time.
We will never forget this terrible experience. And honestly - i don't think that our money will make this company happier.

Guys, rest with some other companies. Not with these thieves. Think 100 times before going for MSC cruises. Better keep your money and don't let them fool you.
I will add all the photos of well-done vaccines and documents, so you can all see that we are not lying.
Good rest and travels for everyone, my friends. I only wish that not by MSC:)

P. S.
It's very interesting that the company which is earning their money by international cruises - can't afford good specialists for serving the clients. Those Italian workers that served us - even couldn't speak English properly. Only one of 3 persons which were there was BADLY speaking English. Others were not educated at all.
if you stuff your nose in international business - at least make sure that your workers can speak English.
It's a shame. And also it's a shame to see how those "Italian friends" are "helping" us, Ukrainians, in such a hard times.
Do you guys know what help they offered us? I'll tell you. TO CALL A TAXI FOR US:)
MSC, next time tell your workers to tell someone like us to "get the fck out of here". It would be the same.


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5 Answers

Sorry to hear it, my friend...

Btw, the funniest thing is that they wanted the second dose of Jhonson, WHICH I JUST CAN"T HAVE, CUZ THERE IS NO FULL MONTH PERIOD
I mean that the new dose of vaccine can't be given faster than 1 month AFTER the first one
and i don't have full month, that means i can't have second dose, and that means also that i'm still "under the cure" XD
But who cares? Not MSC for sure XDD

They still didn't:)
We are trying our best.

So sorry this happened. Hope you feel better soon and that the company refunds your money.

This is basically the type of feedback we were ('fearfully') anticipating on the thread we initiated re Africa to Italy (under 'ships'), and is the final nail in the proverbial coffin.

The (proposed) itinerary we were looking at was superb and we were prepared for some "Well, we're not totally happy with 'A', but it's more than offset by the benefits of 'B&C'" - however, since we haven't, (starting a few years back), heard ANY positives, the trip has been filed under "Oh well...".

I haven't had the best luck with them either. My entire family is vaccinated, as we're all healthcare workers. We all have either Pfizer or Moderna as our vaccine manufacturers, and got them all about a year before we were due to set sail. Despite that, MSC canceled our booking on Davina without any explanation whatsoever. My TA said they do this often and they're not recommending them to anyone because of it.

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