We were supposed to be on the first NCL cruise out of NOLA 4/12. We cancelled a few weeks back and NCL got their act together and we're golden re the FCC and even the CRUISENEXT refunds. Got everything back minus the ins. Logged out of the countdown clock, and it just keeps counting. So from time to time I go over there and look. TONS of peeps have joined it. Not a lot of posting though.

We've cruised out of NOLA a lot. Its a zoo at the best of times. What makes any of these peeps think they're going to be able to drive down there with the restrictions on vehicle traffic LA has instituted?? Not even thinking about how NOLA has become a "hotspot". Bar crawls? Nightlife? I don't think so. Or just how many personnel are going to be working the terminal for boarding that haven't called out? That terminal? Social distancing? NOT POSSIBLE...Mexico doesn't seem to be reporting much. Why should any of those islands or ports welcome a cruise ship?

When we cancelled, it was the first cruise we ever cancelled outright, ever. It was a big deal, and yes we were disappointed and po'd all at once. Now, watching the news past few weeks, we know we did the right thing. Forget our age and those good ol' "underlying issues"..I don't understand the rationale of folks who haven't thought this thing through and the potential risks. Mebbe they think a potential 2 wk (or longer) quarantine on board or in a hospital ventilator someplace might be fun. I wish them all well and great cruise. We'll wait.

9 Answers

Not anymore.

Said the Japanese about Pearl Harbor.

It is an available port with a ready market

Just watched the evening news from New Orleans. Its a ghost town. Its mind boggling to me that anyone would try to travel there, let alone to get on a cruise. I don't understand NCL continuing cruising from there.

Waiting makes so much sense. Delay, enjoy, be safe. And I hope you enjoy many future cruises.

Worth the gamble right now? Nope!!!

We always do. But in this case, just how much of a risk are you willing to take? Being stopped at the state line? Do what at the motel? or in the cab? or in the terminal with a few thousand of your newest "close" friends? Or on onboard? In this instance getting there a day early only increases your chances of exposure. Bet its the whole topic of discussion onboard. Especially if someone near you coughs. No thanks.

Another reason why it's best to get into the port city the day before!

Some people tend to think of themselves as immortal .... it will never happen to me ... until it happens

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