Extreme site newbie question here. My profile is nagging me that I have only completed 75% - the remaining bit being to "favorite" cruise lines, ships, and ports. I would gladly do so, but see no means of favoriting. I successfully "followed" cruise lines and ships, but these appear on my profile as "following" rather than "favorites". I poked around some others' profiles, and can see favorites shown in the sidebar. Given that I am a profile completionist, any help is appreciated.
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How to Favorite Cruise Lines, Ships, Ports
3 Answers
That was it. Thank you! I found the favorites at the bottom of My Dashboard.
Huzzah! So glad someone was smart enough to help.
I believe if you go to your user dashboard on the sidebar you'll see favorite cruise line/ship and a add button next to it, just click on add and continue from there.
I hope this was of help.
That was it. Thank you! I found the favorites at the bottom of My Dashboard.
I believe if you go to your user dashboard on the sidebar you'll see favorite cruise line/ship and a add button next to it, just click on add and continue from there.
I hope this was of help.