Health concern

We just got off Dream. The ship was in Cozumel and everyone was getting off, so the main dinning room was nearly empty for breakfast. We dont go there (been there many times), so we take our time eating breakfast. We were watching 2 waiters standing a round a table readied for diners (big round one)talking in native lingo, when one of them sneezed on the table(did not cover up) They went off somewhere. We told our waiter and he just walked off.(we wanted all silverware, plates, etc taken off and table wiped down and new stuff put out) we went to head waiter and told him, he rattled some language at another waiter then walked off. We never seen them change the table. We also see when they clean the table from diners that are finished the waiter cleans the table with his bare hands and puts new glasses and plates, etc bach without washing hands or putting gloves on.

6 Answers

OP has mentioned many many times that they have ever only cruised on Carnival ;)

Thank You.

Apologies for depressing you. I'll keep quiet for awhile, at least until there is a more upbeat topic on which to comment. As for the "good ol days", well, at least we have the memories.

On the bright side we're both closing in on a cruise, with roughly a month to go. Lets make a pact. I promise I'll try not to swivel my head to immediately see who or where someone had sneezed or coughed while within earshot. That was my 2019 attitude, although I didn't realize it at the time. I've decided to go back to it.

As a wordsmith, you excel...but reading them is becoming increasingly depressing...because they're accurate. I miss the good ol days...even though some of them weren't so good. The rest made up for it. Taking the sequence as accurate, it probably wouldn't have been noticeable were it not for the sneezing, coughing, hacking, or whatever CK observed.

While I share the opinion that in that instance the table should have been stripped and reset, I can't comment on weather or not the bussers work with gloves or their bare hands when cleaning & re-setting tables, or weather they should or have to wash their hands between the steps of clearing and resetting. Quite frankly I never paid attention, although in this day & age I suppose it's now normal for one to notice such things.

In this forum we all have lamented the losses related to service that we're experiencing. Although it was a slow creep, it has accelerated since the restart, especially aboard the affordable mainstream lines like Carnival. While I too think this particular incident should be brought to Carnival's brand ambassador's (John Heald) attention, unfortunately I believe this won't be the last time we'll hear of such behavior.

But another thing that may have been observed here (without knowing it) is the newly coined phenomenon know as "quiet quitting". This terms is defined as putting no more effort or enthusiasm into ones job than is absolutely necessary. There is a total void of pride in ones work. It is an unconscious (or I would argue sometimes a very conscious) response to new pressures and demands placed upon employees by management.

As we all know the cruise lines are stretched thin financially, and the word has come down that everyone needs to do more with less, and a lot of ineffective (and borderline effective) managers don't know how to motivate their teams other than with threats and intimidation. While this may have been an effective management tool in the 1960's, in this day and age of effortless job and career changes through social media, it's totally destructive. It causes a lot of resentment among employees, and that resentment is shown through their actions, or in this case inaction.

There's actually 2 Dream ships: one for Carnival and one for Disney. The OP never mentioned which one they were on. It would be hard to tell which one they were talking about without going to their profile.

If you want to make the effort. You observed the next step in the process..where crew no longer gives a you know what...

Wow .. that is something that should go to a more responsive person. Maybe a public post on CCL or to John Heald or to the exec of CCL. That is not something that they should ignore.

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