Years ago you would receive 5 envelopes in your cabin towards the end of your cruise. They were labeled: Maitre D, cabin steward, assistant steward, Waiter, assistant waiter. Cash went in and was handed over. Then, Royal Caribbean started the auto gratuity system. However, if you’re like us, you tipped extra. Now, prices are going up, autograts are rising, and service is declining.

So I ask you, how likely are you to continue tipping extra ?

I know these people work hard ( harder now ), but at some point we have to realize, ITS OUR MONEY. Our daily costs are rising all the time. It shouldn’t be my problem if you build a ship that costs a million a day to run. Working on a cruise ship used to be a great gig for these people. I wonder how many will leave the industry after just one contract. They won’t get American kids to do it that’s for sure.

9 Answers


We always tip extra, for all the reasons and examples provided on this thread, the amounts and to whom vary based on service level. These tips are ALWAYS in cash directly to the person who provided the service, we NEVER add an additional tip to a ticket because that amount goes into the "pool" thus diluting it for the intended person.

As we use the laundry service, we tip them by putting money into the laundry bag along with the note that was included (with our own personal note added) so they know how much we appreciate them/the care they give our clothes. Every special request is fulfilled and laundry almost always returned same day even when not requested.

If we find buffet crew we really like (those that offer to get us desserts, extra bread, remember the sweetner before we ask, anything "above") we try tio sit in their area and also tip them.

Remember that when services are shared by a Sr and Asst (such as waiter & asst waiter, cabin steward and asst steward) they will usually share the cash tips you give them, as well.

Just returned 3 days ago from 14 day (2-7 day B2B) cruise - several crew mentioned their contracts are now getting longer, averaging 8 months rather than 6 and going as long as 10. This is a really long time to be away from family - think of how many " firsts" babies have in 10 months and how quickly aging parents can decline in 10 months... They're missing life events of the very people they're working for - so tipping a little to help support is my pleasure. I do include it in my budget and love to hear the stories and see the pictures of who they're doing it all for; that's part of my cruise experience.

And, no, IMHO we won't see Americans working like the crew do on these ships providing amazing service, giving us all amazing memories. Please, no lectures, this is not intended as a political conversation - just a comment based on observations...

I always 'tip' appropriately, even if I have issues with tipping 'culture' and feel employers should not expect customers to subsidise their employees pay.

But always on a cruise, because if your 'rich' enough to afford one, you should also budget in your tip for the people working so you can enjoy a vacation, and extra service should be acknowledged.

But as for the cash register tip jar at the self serve yogurt shop, or the extra auto added tip page on a CC transaction, as the kids now say, "Nah bruh."

We always leave gratuities those are a given and paid before sailing. Tips after that are based on interactions with the crew. Last cruise I found 2 special bartenders, one on the pool deck bar and one in the wine bar getting my evening double porto. They received good tips. Tipping my cabin steward depends on the cabin steward. There is always a tip for them but the size varies depending on the steward.

We tip extra to cabin attendent, cleaning up our mess, talking to us, etc. The rest we let our so call gratuities take care of that. We pay the gratuities when we booked, but last trip on Dream they charged gratuities again on our bill, now that Carnival is nickel and dimeing everything, got to watch our bill mote closely

skoeper - GREAT memory/story. This is a reason I tip extra. There are so many wonderful people in the World with the desire to enhance their lives. Those working - I respect. Their dreams - I respect. Others just taking handouts - not so much. Sorry, just my opinion.

We have always tipped the suggested amount. But after getting to know some of the crew, we decided they definitely deserved the extra tip. After learning that some of the crew, sending home every single paycheck, they were able to provide a home of their own to their family. Now - this home may have dirt floors and no running water, but it's THEIR'S and they don't need to live with 12 in one house. That inspired me to help create a great environment to a whole little family. Another example is from a recent RCCL cruise. Our MDR waiter was excellent and he started sharing photos of his 18 month old son. This little guy was left in the care of the server's mother, who sent pictures daily. And get this - the mom was also working on that ship. He pointed her out in the MDR as a server on the other side of the dining room. They were working REALLY hard at making money and sending it home. Why? Their dream was to open something they didn't have in their town - an ice cream shop! Sounds so simple to us, but to them it was the biggest dream they had. I asked how close they were to saving enough to do this dream and he said he thought they'd have enough after one more contract each. So when they go over and above at their jobs and you know they have a dream, a goal they are working for, it makes it so much more meaningful to tip them extra. They are truly pouring their hearts and souls into making you happy.

Depends on the service. The autogratuities stay, but if the crew goes above the expected (remembers the ice daily, the extra hangers, thatwe like coffee at the end of the meal, I prefer the print menu, etc.) then more is given at the end of the cruise.

I am old-school = I tip (actually, over tip, which still bothers my Mother - lol)

I figure gratuities are part of cruising. I NEVER take them off my cruise account, and ALWAYS tip special people extra.

I recently thought I was discreet giving cash to a 'washy-washy' attendee who remembered my name from the second day of the cruise. I handed her the cash, and another cruiser gently slapped my back stating "I like guys like you". What did I do ?? "You know what you did. I wish everybody was like you". Nice memory.

Short answer, if the cruise crew treats me nice, i will ALWAYS continue to tip extra. Tips, positive feedback write-ups. The crew is amazing !! Week after week, cruise after cruise, long stretches between visits home. I respect the crew. They are what make our cruises so pleasant. Especially the 40% we never see below decks.

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