DCL Returning to In-Person Muster!


The line cites "An unwillingness to participate in the digital drill"

Hopefully this is not a sign of things to come from other lines!

Tags: Disney Cruise Line Muster

4 Answers

As one who has been on a couple Disney cruises and has had to endure the "old style" muster drill, allow me to weigh in.

Yes, as you can imagine, having to stand in one place for 20+ minutes in the hot Miami or Port Canaveral sun is uncomfortable for most people, it is unbearable for couples' with 2-3 small children who just want to "go see Mickey". Disney does the best they can to distract the youngins, but it's still a challenge. Unfortunately, I can see where the new system would fall way way short. The muster drill is not for the kids, but their parents, who, in an actual emergency will be relied upon to save their children's life. They need a more "focused" style of drill because they already have too many distractions (ie: their kids) to really pay attention and absorb the bare minimum a digital drill has to offer.

I also vote to bring back the old drills. As uncomfortable as they are, I believe they instill a small sense of seriousness and community into most people that may (just may) help some of them pull together in the event of an actual emergency. I don't think we're getting that with the new methods.

While the new procedures are a nice replacement for the old drills, that's just for us who have already experienced REAL muster drills. We already know what's what. I fear they will prove to be totally useless for newbies in an actual emergency.

While I do understand the merit behind it, From the time we started cruising (About 2012) the "Drills" have been essentially useless. "Here, watch this video" in the event of an emergency, we're gonna turn you into a floating traffic cone, to make it easier for the Coast Guard/Navy/Fishermen to eventually pull you out of the water.

Obviously, in the world of 6,000+ passenger ships, a real, comprehensive, drill would be near impossible, and in the Post-Pandemic world, having 6,000 people put on lifejackets, and potentially spreading some sort of virus or bacteria, would also be prohibitive.

I believe the current system, for all of its shortcomings, is the best option. If the Cruise Lines would enforce some sort of regulation stating that either

1) You MUST complete the digital portion of your Muster BEFORE boarding, and then IMMEDIATELY visit your Muster Station


2) If your Digital portion and Muster Station visit are not complete by Scheduled Sailing time(Not Pull Away time) then your SeaPass card is shut off, and you do not have access to your room, Bar, Food, etc until the required items are completed.

Interesting ... everything old is new again ...I can see merit in it

Fascinating...DISNEY of all lines..wall to wall kids...wonder what the behind-the-scenes thinking was...we don't cruise DCL, so obviously it won't affect us...but I have mixed emotions about it. I'm sure we all remember the assortment of hassles and aggravations associated with "real" muster drills...we've beaten the subject up in here fairly often awhile back, and then it all went away because the old-style muster drills went away. The "new" drills, (or should I use the word "procedures" instead?) are almost completely useless in the event of a real emergency. and sooner or later..........well..you know where this is going...soooo....I vote in favor of "real drills"...sorta.....more or less...what d'you folks think?

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