7 Answers

We have 4 booked 1 in NOV on NCL (where we were planning to put the FCC), and three after that on CCL. Have no wish to go to see a md for a form. One of NCL's reps called last eve, I actually picked up the phone. He didn't know anything about age restrictions. He didn't seem to know much about anything. We knew more about our next one than he did.

We are 70 plus years old. Has the cruise reps see who is on the ships for long cruises? us old folks. You see youngsters on short trips. So if they go that route, so be it, but revenue wont be as much as the "youngsters" has bills to pay, etc. where as us oldsters are spending the youngsters inheritance. dont mess with us oldsters cruise lines, you will go out of business, we got the cash to spend, not the youngsters. by the way we been on 24 cruises and got 3 booked, thinking of cancelling those.

I don’t know if I want cruising to return to what it was. After over 25 cruises I feel lucky to not have encountered “Mears”. Now you will have to worry about every time someone coughs or sneezes. I love cruising and have 2 booked for later this year and one for next year. I don’t want to wear a face mask the entire cruise. However, I don’t know what would make me feel comfortable enough to feel that the cruise lines are doing everything to protect their passengers when the crew sleep in small crowded quarters. So anything the crew gets will eventually pass to the passengers. As for the money the cruise lines are losing, gratitudes, excursions, drinks, and any favor amenity will definitely increase. Cruise prices will also increase after people feel comfortable sailing again. Hopefully, they won’t price me out of the market. I haven’t read anything that identifies what changes the cruise lines are implementing. The question is what changes the public will be comfortable with before they’re willing to sail again.

I've been thinking real hard about these articles. I think its time to consider the source. That emag is painting all this in such a way as to put as positive a spin on it as possible. Yep, I'd sure like to go cruising again, just like before. Its time to recognize that's just not possible. What is possible? I don't know, but reading this stuff is almost like watching one all news channel as opposed to another. (no names hehehe)….it IS kinda one sided. Clearly, folks believe the one that fits their own agenda and view of the world...We have a whole new world out there, especially as it relates to cruising...what it's going to actually look like, who knows???

Not sure about the lower fares. I expect to see them rise sharply as more cost and required staff are going to have to happen and with that comes cost. They are already starved for revenue and once operations start back up you should (depending on length of no sail) see a good 50% of sailings done on FCC so the lines are going to be in sore need of revenue. It has to come from somewhere therefore no lower rates. Higher if anything.
Not sure about the less crowded ships either. Might make them rethink the behemoth though. Settle on something in between with a bit more open. Once again though this more cost. The smaller the ship the higher the crew per passenger ratio needs to be.
Fewer ships possibly. It will depend upon the length of this and some of the court actions that WILL be forthcoming against Carnival and Royal. NCL somehow has slid under the radar and has not been prominent in the news with this virus episode. So who knows, if this stretches long enough and the courts make certain $$ decisions might even see FDR owning pretty well everything on the water.
The relaxed cancel policy would be a good added that the industry would need to get back full confidence. A great thing, a great selling point and a good possibility. But it will cost.

Hadn't even thought of the ins premium angle..this whole thing is apparently as a result of CDC "guidelines"..

An interesting read. Thanks for sharing.

Maybe this will be the new reality , at least, from the initial opening of cruising again. The 70 plus precaution might be a bit tricky to employ- can only imagine the nightmare prices for insurance for this age group were these new ideas to take root. Right now it is food for thought and obviously some tweaking will occur over the coming months.

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