About APT Cruising
Whether you discover the cultural canvas of Europe; explore remote villages along the Mekong; or experience the ancient cities and temples of China, India and Myanmar, you'll appreciate the blissful convenience of river cruising as APT Cruising takes you from one discovery to the next. With an incredible range of included shore excursions and entertainment, you'll have the opportunity to immerse yourself in the local way of life.
APT Cruising cruiser reviews
1 APT Cruising ship
Ship size:
- XL: 4,000 + passengers
- L: 2,000 to 4,000 passengers
- M: 500 to 2,000 passengers
- S: Less than 500 passengers
- $$$$: $1500 and up
- $$$: Up to $1500
- $$: Up to $1000
- $: Up to $500