Robbed Honeymooners Receive Kind Gesture from Cruise Line

carnival cruise honeymoon couple robbed steakhouse
The couple, Nina and Sandro - Photo by John Heald's Facebook page

Carnival Cruise Line has extended a kind gesture to newlywed passengers after they were robbed of all their belongings, passports, wedding gifts, and money in Miami.


The cruise was the young German couple’s honeymoon after their wedding in Key Biscayne on October 3. Carnival’s Brand Ambassador John Heald caught wind of their horrible predicament during a time that should be filled with joy, and wrote a Facebook post on Sunday explaining that the line would be treating them to a free dinner in the ship’s steakhouse. Carnival also provided the newlyweds with a voucher so they could contact their family back home to sort out everything.

"They got married on Friday in Miami. Friday night they were robbed of their possessions, passports, money and wedding gifts. Here they are on the ship trying to forget and enjoy their honeymoon," Heald wrote. "Tonight they will be at the Steakhouse wearing the same clothes you see here. I hope people think there may just be another side to the story when they seem dressed this way on an elegant night. The meal is compliments of us."

As of today, the post has received over 500 comments and over 50 shares, with many offering well wishes for the couple and praising the line for taking notice and their kind gesture.

“That's a heck of a story to tell their kids about the honeymoon. Hope they enjoy the rest of their Honeymoon. Thanks John Heald for going above and beyond for them.” commented Deb Cavins.

Craig Daniels responded, “That is horrible, but this just shows why I love Carnival so much. They are helping them enjoy their cruise with an amazing dinner, although their situation has them only having the clothes on their back. Way to go CARNIVAL!!!”

Even the bride, Nina, joined the comments section: “I’m in tears reading all the comments here and the comments on John’s other post. So happy to be onboard now (doing back to back as planned until October 20th.) YOU all are amazing and you’re touching our heart deeply!!...We’re still in shock so I’m pretty sure I can’t find the right words here - but THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR EVERYTHING JOHN!!! AND ALL THE PEOPLE INVOLVED - CARNIVAL IS JUST THE BEST and this just once again shows why I loved Carnival from the very beginning years ago. It’s Sandro’s first and he is also thrilled by all this. We feel like part of the Carnival Family...feeling all this love and meeting all this [sic] exceptional great people means so much to us!!! This ship is our safe haven!!! LOVE and THANKS to all of you!!”

Source: Travel Pulse and Cruise Radio


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