American Cruise Lines to Purchase Four American Queen Voyages Ships

American Empress - Photo by American Queen Voyages

American Cruise Lines is set to purchase four of the river ships that were previously operated by American Queen Voyages - American Queen, American Empress, American Countess, and American Duchess


This past February, the Hornblower Group-owned American Queen Voyages announced that it would cease operations immediately, citing “unsuccessful efforts to regain financial stability following the pandemic.” 

Read Related: American Queen Voyages Ceases Operations; Remaining Cruises Canceled

An auction was held at the end of March for all of the American Queen Voyages’ assets and ships, and American Cruise Lines’ bid came out on top to take ownership of the river fleet. 

American Cruise Lines shared the following statement with in regards to the purchase: 

“American Cruise Lines is pleased to be the successful bidder for AQV’s river vessels. We look forward to announcing additional details after this portion of the Hornblower Holdings bankruptcy process concludes.”

A buyer has yet to be named for American Queen Voyages’ coastal vessels, the Ocean Navigator and Ocean Voyager, which also went up for auction. 

This is a breaking news story. will share additional information as it becomes available. 

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