Updates to Shipmate Messaging Center

Customize your messages on Shipmate. - Photo by Canva

At Shipmate, we’re continually making updates for our community to have the best experience possible. We’ve been listening to your feedback and in response have already rolled out new features like User Blocking. Today, we’re excited to announce another great new update for you - an all-new Privacy Center which will allow you to customize the Direct Messages (DMs) that you receive from other Shipmates. 

The Privacy Center will now offer the following features for you to customize your messages:

  • Block all Direct Messages from Shipmates who are not your friend. Shipmates who are not on already on your friend list will not be able to send you a message. 
  • The ability to enable blocking all new friend requests. Using this function will block all Shipmates from sending you a new friend request.  

Note: if you are a NEW user to Shipmate, by default Direct Message blocking will be turned On and Friend Request blocking will automatically be set to Off. To change these settings, visit the privacy center to customize your preferences. If you are an EXISTING user of Shipmate, both these settings will be disabled. You will need to visit the Privacy Center to change either of these settings. 

Access Privacy Center Settings

On iOS: 

  1. Go to your Shipmate Profile page
  2. Select the Privacy Settings tab
  3. From there you can change all settings for Direct Messages and Friend Requests  

On Android:

  1. Go to your Shipmate Profile page
  2. Select the Privacy Settings tab
  3. From there you can change all settings for Direct Messages and Friend Requests  

Have any questions, comments, or feedback you would like to share with us? Send us a note to support@shipmateapp.com.  We would love to hear from you!

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