Recipe: Princess’ “Best Pizza at Sea” & Oceania’s Limoncello

- Photo by Canva

It’s National Pizza Week which means that it's the perfect time to recreate the “Best Pizza at Sea”!  Princess Cruise Line is well known among its cruisers for its famed dough and even earned its official “Best Pizza” title from USA TODAY. So, roll up your sleeves and get ready for the most epic pizza night. Complete the experience with another Italian superstar - Limoncello. This Oceania recipe is sure to transport you to the Mediterranean seaside. No matter how you slice it, these two make a great combination.  

"Best Pizza at Sea” - Princess Cruises

(Makes 2 Pizzas)

For the Pizza Dough

  • 385g plain flour
  • 2 teaspoons active or instant yeast
  • 1 pinch of sugar
  • 240ml lukewarm water
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • Extra flour for dusting and lining the bottom of pan

For the Tomato Sauce

  • 2 400g cans of chopped tomatoes
  • 2 cloves garlic, chopped
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • 1 tablespoon dried oregano
  • Salt and pepper to taste


For the Pizza Dough

  • If you're using active dry yeast, dissolve it, along with a pinch of sugar, in 2 tbsp of water. Then let the yeast and water mixture sit at room temperature for 15 minutes, until the mixture has bubbled and expanded.
  • Combine the yeast, flour, lukewarm water and olive oil, and then mix together.
  • Add the salt and mix for five more minutes, creating a pizza dough that's smooth and firm.
  • Remove the dough from the bowl and place in a covered container overnight in the fridge.
  • When ready to use, remove the dough from the fridge and divide into 2 equal ball-shaped pieces.
  • Spray or sprinkle the balls of dough with a little olive oil and allow to rest at room temperature for 1 hour, covered loosely with cling film.
  • Preheat oven to 230C (210C fan oven).
  • Dust a flat surface with flour and gently press one ball of dough into a disk shape
  • Sprinkle the dough disc with a little flour and stretch into a large, round pizza base. Dip your fingertips into flour if the dough gets sticky to touch.
  • Carefully transfer the dough base onto either a pizza pan or baking sheet that has been dusted with flour to prevent sticking.
  • Top the base with the tomato sauce (see cooking method below), mozzarella cheese and any other desired toppings.
  • Bake in the oven for 6-8 minutes, or until the cheese and crust are golden.

For the Tomato Sauce

  • Heat the olive oil in a large saucepan, add the garlic and sauté lightly.
  • Add the tomatoes and bring to boil.

10-Day Homemade Limoncello Recipe - Oceania Cruises 


Makes 1 (750-milliliter) bottle

  • 6 unwaxed lemons (preferably organic)
  • 1 (750-milliliter) bottle vodka, preferably Belvedere
  • 2 cups sugar
  • 1 cup water


  • DAY ONE: Wash the lemons well, scrubbing thoroughly. Using a vegetable peeler, remove the rinds from the lemons, being careful not to include any of the white pith. In a large, sterilized jar, combine the lemon rind with the vodka. Seal with a sterilized lid and let stand in a dark place for 6 days.
  • DAY SEVEN: In a small saucepan over medium-high heat, combine the sugar and water and bring to a simmer, stirring until the sugar dissolves. Let cool. Transfer the lemon rind from the vodka to the syrup. Reseal the lid on the vodka jar. Transfer the syrup and rind to a sterilized jar and seal with a sterilized lid. Let both jars stand in a dark place for 3 more days.
  • DAY TEN: Remove the rind from the syrup. Add the syrup to the vodka, adjusting the syrup to the desired sweetness. Strain the mixture through a coffee filter until clear and store in a sealed sterilized bottle.

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