

Deck Hand
Minneapolis, MN
Joined 07/2012






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Ketchikan, Alaska

We thought the town here was the cutest/most interesting. We took a 'nature tour' that we purchased at the port for $40 each. This was a 1.5 hour tour to see nature. We drove 5 or 6 miles down the main highway and looked for bears along the salmon stream (no bears), stood in the rain and looked harder, saw an eagle, a seal swimming off in the distance and hoards of salmon. On to the Totem Pole park - we were happy this was included in the tour. But what a bust! We would rent a cab the next time and ask for them to drive us around a little and it would have cost less than the $80 bucks and we would have seen as much.

Juneau, Alaska

We went to the Mendenhall Glacier (caught a $6 each way shuttle) and walked around then took a hike up a very picturesque trail for an hour and half. Saw a mama bear fishing for salmon (far enough away we felt safe but close enough for a good view) and the glacier/lake were very pretty. The town itself is dumpy (we thought most of the Alaskan towns were dumpy) with some homeless sleeping in doorways.

Skagway, Alaska

Another hike up a hill (we went to smugglers cove) and we got off on the wrong trail and approached some pickup trucks and gun shots. Yikes. headed back and found the right trail, sat on a rock that over looked the town, saw seals, walked some more. It was absolutely beautiful country. We missed the train ($98 per person) and the town was cute but more of the same in terms of the stores. The grocery store was worth a visit - $5.98 for a bottle of A1 and $11.00 for 30 diapers. ouch!

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