526 Ports Found

Keelung (Taipei), Taiwan

Across the Formosa Strait from mainland China is the bustling port of Keelung, on the island of Taiwan. Just 20 miles inland is Taipei, the national capital, one of the most prosperous cities in Asia. Marvel at the Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall, the Grand Hotel, and the National Palace Museum, with its art treasures from Beijing's Forbidden City.

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Bodrum, Turkey

Built upon the remains of the city of Halicarnassus, Bodrum is now a beautiful resort village on the Aegean Coast with intriguing sights. Visit the ruins of the Mausoleum, one of the seven wonders of the ancient world, or the Crusader Castle that guards the harbor.

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Tromso, Norway

Tromso, the home of the famous Northern Lights Observatory, is beautifully situated on a forest-covered isle. Take a leisurely island drive and visit the Tromso Museum and an ultra-modern cathedral, whose design was inspired by the ice of the Arctic. Again, the preservation of old ways and integration with present-day technology is remarkable.

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Portland, Maine

Portland has a thriving waterfront in the heart of downtown that is a hodgepodge of condos, fish markets, and ferry docks. Bordered by Maine's rocky coast to the north, and miles of white, sandy beaches to the south, the city offers hiking, sailing, kayaking, snorkeling, and fishing, and to the west and north lies some of the best skiing in the world. This is Maine, "the way life should be".

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San Francisco, California

With breathtaking views of the Pacific Ocean and a spectacular bay, San Francisco is one of the U.S.'s most beautiful cities. Visitors have a wide range of things to see, including the Golden Gate Bridge, Fisherman's Wharf, Nob Hill, Alcatraz, and Chinatown. And no trip to this city is complete without a ride on the cable cars. The restaurants are excellent, with a rich diversity of cuisine.

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Holyhead, Wales

Holyhead is a port and resort on the Welsh Holy Island. Visitors to the town can still see much evidence of early Celtic and Roman cultures. Places of interest in the Holyhead area include Holy Mountain and the South Stack Lighthouse. Visitors can also go fishing, golfing, and sailing. The town is known as a busy ferry port.

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Sydney, Nova Scotia

Nova Scotia may prompt more "Oohs and Aahs" than anywhere else on the Canadian Atlantic. From the port of Sydney you have a wonderful opportunity to take in the majesty of the region.

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Tallinn, Estonia

Beautifully preserved medieval walls and towers still stand tall in the Old Town section, shadowed by the hilltop Toompea Castle. Stroll and shop along cobblestone streets, walk up to the Baroque Palace, and drop in at the Alexander Nevsky Cathedral and find inspiration in the gleaming mosaics and tiles. This is, by far, one of the most atmospheric locales in Europe.

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Saint John, New Brunswick

Saint John is a spectacular commerical port at the intersection of the St. John River and the Bay of Fundy. Visitors will be exhilarated by the pounding surf and sounds of the world's highest tides, best viewed at Reversing Falls. Saint John features a climate-controlled pedway system, allowing the utmost comfort as you visit attractions including the Canada Games Aquatic Centre and Old City Market.

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