djbkgold Cruise Review on Sea Princess on Nov 27, 2016

Sea Princess Cruise Review

Review: 1
Helpful Votes: 14

Overall rating:

5 out of 5
Sea Princess

Sail date: November 27, 2016

Ship: Sea Princess

Reviewed: 7 years ago

Review summary

You just can't please some people!!!!!! Been on the Sun Princess 3 times and I love it. Not to many people and you get to o make more friends sure there are older people but it's better for getting space in and around the pool !!!! Anyhow just go and enjoy and stop complaining !!!
Was this review helpful? 14


Gwbigdog    2 years ago

Stargatefan    7 years ago

People are allowed to voice their opinions....whether one agrees with them or not.

picalo    7 years ago

princess is great

picalo    7 years ago

TOhcruisers    7 years ago

I so agree. We love Princess and are completely loyal to them. The ship, the service, and the many people we have met all loved it. Shame some people are never satisfied and all they do is complain. Sad really.