MSC World Europa Cruise Reviews - Q&A

Will be on the 11/24 sailing out of Barcelona and wanted to ask how disembarkation went at the end? It says 7 am as a docking time. Can we get off at 7 am or is it a long process? We will be traveling light but have a 9:15 flight home. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!! Thanks!

Asked on June 21, 2023 by amorad2112

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2 Answers

We were on that cruise in May. We walked off with our bags and still didn’t get off till after 9. Your flight will almost be impossible to get to on time. Traffic in Barcelona is terrible

Answered by doones2 on June 24, 2023

We were on in June. we went for breakfast first, our cabin steward told us not to hurry we could disembark at 10:30. It was a smooth process

Answered by Michelle323 on July 21, 2023

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