400 Ports Found


The Carmague is a nature preserve in the flatlands of the Rhone River delta. The region is famous for the indigenous black bulls and white horses. Visitors to the area enjoy horseback riding, Jeep safaris, and bike tours, as well as birdwatching. The restaurants in The Carmague prepare regional specialties that are unequaled anywhere in France.

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Yithion, Greece

Yithion guards the road to Mystra, the secret treasure of Greece, where centuries-old Byzantine frescoes are almost perfectly intact. Trace the exquisite patterns that cover every inch of Mystra's 14th-century churches.

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It is a port and market and tourist center. Founded by Corinthian Greeks, it became the leading city of ancient Sicily under the tyrant Gelon, who defeated Carthage in 480 B.C. It was a center of Greek culture (Aeschylus, Pindar, Theocritus, and Archimedes lived there) under several tyrants, whose reigns alternated with periods of democracy.

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