400 Ports Found

Portovenere, Italy

Portovenere is a charming and picturesque town in the Bay of La Spezia. The town has a very strong connection to both the military and the sea, reflected in the two centers of the town. The first ist he old port, the second the fortified, Genoese stronghold, where you'll also find the Church of San Lorenzo, which was constructed in Gothic-Renaissance style, similar to the Genoa Cathedral. The streets of Portovenere contain numerous other examples of medieval architecture.

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Hydra, Greece

Hydra, or Idhra, is located in the Aegean Sea, off the Argolis peninsula of the Peloponnesus. It is mostly barren and rocky. Idhra town is the center of population. Sponge fishing, shipbuilding, textile manufacturing, and tourism are the main industries.

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Amorgos, Greece

With its splendidly rugged coastline and low-key ambiance, Amorgos is a favorite of Europeans. Many come here to pay homage to Luc Besson's movie, The Big Blue, filmed on the island's west end. The island provides a marvelous spot for the ship to extend her marina.

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Crotone, Italy

This wonderful city of Calabria, located by the Ionian Sea, features large hills and extended greens and was one of the artistic, cultural, and philosophical centers of ancient Greece. The Greek influence in still apparent in much of the city's architecture.

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