Bridgetown, Barbados Port Q&A

What time can you get off the ship in Barbados and what time do you have to be back on?

Asked on February 23, 2024 by annet1980

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4 Answers

look at your itinerary it will tell you.

Answered by crusin4gramma on February 23, 2024

That info should be on your daily itinerary. If you are looking for a taxi when you get there, I recommend a woman who we have used twice. When you get to the port, Ask for Maria, cab# 1735. We also would recommend Copa cabana beach. Have a great time.

Answered by mobey31 on February 24, 2024

Your itinerary says ship docking at 10:00 and leaving at 6:00. Back on board will be 5:30. Blessed cruise!

Answered by joyandjerry on February 24, 2024

no one knows what time the ship will be docking and no one knows what time all the board will be.. each night you will get for the next day's daily activities and you will know when that will be. every port time is different for getting off the ship and all aboard. Will a board is different from when the time of the ship leaves? as you know if all the board is 5:30, the ship leaves at 6:00.

Answered by enjoyurdaysmile on February 23, 2024

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