

Deck Hand
Joined 10/2015






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Past cruises

Pride of America

December 2015 - 7 Night Hawaii (Honolulu Roundtrip) Cruise on Pride of America

It's fine, but don't expect a cruise, this is a floatel and not much more

A great way to see all the beauty of Hawaii in its many forms, just don't expect the luxury, entertainment, cuisineĀ or service you may have experienced on other cruises. While Hawaii is always wonderful, if you're looking for anything out of the cruise experience, you will probably be disappointed.

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Cruise tips

Kailua-Kona, Hawaii

You can hangout right around the ship port and spend no money - there are shops, a market and a very nice beach all right there.

Honolulu, Oahu

The best port. Plan your trip to spend a day or two extra at least here after the cruise.

Kahului, Maui

Wake up early on Monday, drive up Haleakala and see the sunrise then drive over to Lahina.

Hilo, Hawaii

Rent a car and go to the volcano park, don't spend the money on the excursion - there's no need - you can do it yourself without missing anything. You'll save hundreds. There is really nothing else in Hilo.

Nawiliwili, Kauai

Plenty of time to go ashore for breakfast before the ship leaves and there are some great places right in Nawiliwili and up the road in Wailua.

Pride of America

Pride of America

The restaurant serves the exact same breakfast menu as the buffet so you might as well go there. Also, the soda package: no bottled water AND you'll going to have to fight to get your money's worth. I had to go to bars myself to get soda for meals.

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