Quiz: What is the best cruise line for you?

what is the best cruise line
What cruise line is your perfect match? - Photo by Brand X Pictures / Thinkstock

Inspired by those playful quizzes that are making the rounds on Facebook — we should live in Paris and are best embodied by a meatball sandwich, by the way — we created this test to help you determine which cruise line matches your personality.

1. Your favorite drink is:

Your favorite drink is:

2. How do you take your coffee?

How do you take your coffee?

3. What are your favorite foods?

What are your favorite foods?

4. What’s your idea of a fun, active day?

What’s your idea of a fun, active day?

5. Which shoe is most appealing to you?

Which shoe is most appealing to you?

6. For your next big birthday, you would like to celebrate with:

For your next big birthday, you would like to celebrate with:

7. A ship filled with the following passengers sounds most appealing to you:

A ship filled with the following passengers sounds most appealing to you:

8. How do you like to spend a summer Saturday?

How do you like to spend a summer Saturday?

9. What’s your favorite accessory?

What’s your favorite accessory?

10. What animal best represents you?

What animal best represents you?

11. Which word is most appealing to you?

Which word is most appealing to you?

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Surprised by the results?


Posted by ArcticQueen


Posted by aidankay

Crystal Cruises -- huh, I learned something new today.

Posted by MnSqAtSea

Interesting result. We're planning a cruise on the Norwegian Escape and after answering these questions, NCL came up. My wife and I first cruised Carnival, we just finished cruising on RCL. Weren't sure whether we should switch or not. Well, after this, we're definitely gonna book on NCL to test it's outcome. Hope it's right. :-)

Posted by elgrandeguy

I booked a cruise on Disney Cruise Line and lo and behold this quiz told me that DCL is best suited for me. It's like they knew...

Posted by Balvennie

Obviously an old article but it came up on my search for good cruise lines based on my desired cruise location (Vietnam etc.). The line I'd settled on was Celebrity, and lo and behold, which line did this quiz say is ideal for me? Celebrity! Do you think they knew? ;)

Posted by revels9

I answered all 11 questions but there is no submit button or any results?????????????????????????????????

Posted by glomarrone

I got HAL my favorite - no surprise there. I have a HAL cruise booked for next year.

Posted by RoadWarrior7

I got Norwegian like I knew I would. I had my first cruise aboard the Epic for Christmas 2013 and I am celebrating the Big 5-0 aboard the Getaway this summer. I even applied (unsuccessfully) for a job with the Pride of America at a recent job fair in Chicago. I want to "Live Like A Norwegian".

Posted by TennCruiser

I got Carnival

Posted by forlowb

no comment

Posted by donaldduck

Why would a goose be herding ducklings?

Posted by scamallert

No matter how many times you take this "quiz", and no matter what you answer, it still tells you to take a princess cruise. it's simply an advertisement. I wouldn't take a princess cruise if it were offered for free. I know some people like them, but it's NOT the cruise line for me and would fit none of the criteria I entered the first time, which is what prompted me to test the quiz.

Posted by medlinclan

What Comment

Posted by silversea

very interesting

Posted by campbellmom1940

survey a good idea but not necessarily me

Posted by KMorph

looking forward to my 1st cruise!

Posted by BuffyandBarny

SpringerSpaniel is my real choice not Golden or Corgi

Posted by Julescuzer

Take me away!!

Posted by someone


Posted by cjw928

''Celebrity: You expect a certain taste level, without the mortgage-payment price tag.'' Interesting. I always thought they looked snobby. I love NCL so maybe Ill give Celebrity a shot when Im a little older.

Posted by partypooper

I love Carnival the party ship but according to this survey Royal is more what I crave,scratching my head?????

Posted by adriennecruises

Well guess I have choice right got NCL. It is the only cruise line I have been on. Like to try others but than I feel like I would cheating. However, I be going on Carnival cruise probably next year it be 5 day cruise. I got it because I toured a time share place.

Posted by Bonai

What is best

Posted by talkingdeb

i did the test but theres no submit button so got no answer :( that was 5 mins of my life i will never get back lol

Posted by ladycatseyes

I don't know how old this quiz is but...I wish things like this didn't assume we all drink alcohol or are apparently children -chocolate milk? really? - at least plain lemonade for those of us who aren't looking for to get sloshed at every opportunity.

Posted by sqwertbird

Got Disney the first time then Crystal to see if reducing my crowd tolerance changed things. I don't really like children on cruises but I might try a short DCL during school term just for curiosity. Won't let me turn off notifications....

Posted by AshleyTheCruise

I got celebrity cruise.

Posted by Luiser

I answered nothing about kids and got Disney Cruise Line… nice try Disney! Maybe they just know I want to be called Little Princess

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