Virgin Voyages Names Their First Ship

virgin voyages names new ship scarlet
The mermaid on the ship's bow is a symbol of "female power and leadership". - Photo by Virgin Voyages

Virgin Voyages, the Richard Branson-created cruise line, has revealed the name of their first ship.

Scarlet Lady will set sail in 2020 with a voluptuous mermaid, appropriately named Scarlet, gracing the bow of the ship. "As our figurehead, she takes on a role historically dedicated to goddesses, important women in society, and even mermaid figures," the line said.



The Scarlet figure has been seen before on Virgin aircraft and spacecraft, but appears as a mermaid for the first time on the Virgin Voyages flagship. Scarlet, the line says, is a symbol of female power and leadership, as well as a reflection of Virgin Voyages' own efforts to promote front-facing female leadership throughout their organization. In an effort to break the glass ocean, the line's Scarlet Squad encourages women to excel in the ocean travel industry, from engineers and builders to crew captains and technical positions.

Virgin Voyages has also shared that the Scarlet Lady has reached several important construction milestones, including flooding the drydock in preparation for the ships “jumboization," or enlarging the ship by adding an entire section.


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