Insider Report: Crystal Symphony Passengers Test Positive for Covid

Several passengers on the Crystal Symphony tests positive for Covid - Photo by Crystal Cruises

BERMUDA - Authorities in Bermuda prevented passengers on board the Crystal Symphony from disembarking on Monday after five people on board tested positive for the Coronavirus.

The five, along with at least a dozen other passengers who were identified as having been exposed to the virus, were escorted off the ship by crews in protective gear and transferred to a quarantine facility.   None were believed to be symptomatic. The remaining passengers were required to take another Covid test and confined to their staterooms for much of the day (Monday) pending results.     

Look from the ship: Crystal Serenity passengers meet with Bermuda Authorities. 

Symphony set sail from New York City on Friday, September 24. Both Crystal Ocean Cruises and the Bermuda government required everyone to have shown proof of vaccination and a negative Covid test before boarding. In addition, all passengers were required by Bermuda health authorities to take yet another test for the virus while en route to the Atlantic Island before the ship could disembark. It was during that last test that five people on board tested positive and at least a dozen others were identified through a ship-administered tracking device as having been exposed. Several hours after the affected passengers were taken into quarantine, an agreement was reached with the Bermuda government allowing everyone else on board to disembark. All of the ship’s corridors and public areas were then resanitized, and guests spent much of the day Monday waiting for the results of yet another Covid test. Crew members were required to wear masks during the weeklong cruise, but guests were only required to wear a wrist-worn tracking device which could indicate possible exposure to the virus.

Passengers were kept abreast of developments by Crystal Symphony’s Captain and cruise director. Room service was available for passengers confined to their staterooms. The process for dealing with the unexpected test results appeared to be well organized and dealt with expeditiously. 

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