Quiz: What buffet item are you?

- Photo by Thinkstock / DragonImages

Have you ever gone up to a buffet to fill your plate and wondered, “Which one of these foods do I most resemble?” Probably not, but we’re about to change all that. Take this quiz to find out which cruise ship indulgence matches your personality. It’s a lot of fun, but it’s also a wacky way to figure out which cruise line is best for your next vacation. The results may surprise you — or just make you really hungry.

1. Where is your go-to spot at a crowded bar?

Where is your go-to spot at a crowded bar?

2. What is your favorite type of restaurant?

What is your favorite type of restaurant?

3. What is your ideal weekend activity?

What is your ideal weekend activity?

4. Where would you most like to live?

Where would you most like to live?

5. What kind of pet would you like to own?

What kind of pet would you like to own?

6. What’s your favorite holiday?

What’s your favorite holiday?

7. Which ’80s fashion trend would you love to see come back in style?

Which ’80s fashion trend would you love to see come back in style?

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What’s your favorite buffet item?


Posted by basketj

I am "cookie"! I'm the life of the party!!! lol

Posted by glomarrone

I am lobster tail.

Posted by glomarrone

I am lobster tail.

Posted by WeCruiseToo

I got “cheeseburger”. I guess I’m okay with that!

Posted by michelledhall

A cookie, what the heck, lol

Posted by trenstravels

I'm a lobster tail, who knew...lol

Posted by maywell

I'm a scone - seems about right, lol.

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