689 Jewel of the Seas Tips


Jul 20, 2013

do not book a room near the centrum if you want any peace and quiet bad music plays till well after midnight.

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Aug 25, 2013

Although you make reservations for My Time Dining, you can show up pretty much anytime and not have to wait long.


Sep 06, 2013

Treat yourself to a day in the spa. My husband and I really enjoyed our couples massage. If it's just a manicure/pedicure, do it.

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Sep 10, 2013

Some of the staff did a question and answer session about anything you wanted to know about the ship and I would highly recommend this on one of the days at sea

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Sep 21, 2013

Our cabin was in the center of the ship on level 3. The is one level down from the dining room and close to elevators and stairs.

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Apr 16, 2013

Take advantage of all the dining choices- we used room service for two days and the other choices on the other days. If you like to eat casually only- then go to the WindJammer everyday. It's buffet and has many choices for the picky eaters.

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Sep 13, 2013

The Windjammer was excellent all week for breakfast and lunch service. Food quality was very good and the service even better. I found a speck of something on a new fork one morning and returned for a clean one and not less than three different people came over to us to apologize and even wanted our stateroom number so they could send us something. I insisted that wasn't necessary.. But was really impressed with how seriously they took what I felt was a very minor matter.

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Oct 04, 2013

We preferred dining at the Windjammer, buffet. It was as casual as the Islands and fit with the flavor, timing, and relaxation of the experience.

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Dec 03, 2013

If you like to have a private-ish dinner, go to the Windjammer for dinner and walk out through the left doors and there is under the stars dining practically alone every night. Hidden jewel. :-)

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Dec 15, 2013

We selected My Time Dining without reserving any specific hour for dinner. We just showed up at the Tides restaurant when we felt like eating and never had a problem getting a table.

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Jan 02, 2014

We eat at 6pm. Then we have the time to digest our dinner and explore the ship. Always one evening to try one of the specialty restaurants. Best selection of music in the Centrum...

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Jan 03, 2014

Every day in the Schooner bar at 5:00 pm starting with day 1 they have progressive trivia. It's a lot of fun and if you start on day one you can win some great prizes. Make dinner reservations at the specialty rest on day one.

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