

Joined 06/2016






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Past cruises

Grandeur of the Seas

June 2016 - 9 Night Bermuda (Baltimore Roundtrip) Cruise on Grandeur of the Seas

Spent more money for upgrade.

Had we known the conditions of the stateroom we would have upgraded to be more comfortable. Phone rang one night but because space was cramped could not get to phone before the party hung up.  Everything else on the ship was fair to excellent.  We did not participate with entertainment, gambling and/or children's activities.  We basically sunned, ate and slept plus seeing Bermuda and Bahamas only.

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Grandeur of the Seas

Grandeur of the Seas

Sail date: June 09, 2016

Spent more money for upgrade.

Had we known the conditions of the stateroom we would have upgraded to be more comfortable. Phone rang one night but because space was cramped could not get to phone before the party hung up.  Everything else on the ship was fair to excellent.  We did not participate with entertainment, gambling and/or children's activities.  We basically sunned, ate and slept plus seeing Bermuda and Bahamas only.

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Cruise tips

Grandeur of the Seas

Grandeur of the Seas

Make sure you are a single otherwise you had no cabin space.

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